Team Pickleball

Dink and Drive Shots in Pickleball: Techniques and Strategies

Pickleball Gear

Playing in pickleball courtDink and Drive Shots in Pickleball add some excitement to the world of sports. Not only do they add a collision of passion and technique to fuel their players’ skills and strategies but they also infuse a unique dynamic into the game. Pickleball has rapidly captured the hearts of millions around the globe. From its humble beginnings in the 1960s to its current status as one of the fastest-growing sports. One of the essential techniques in Pickleball which significantly highlights its skills and strategy is the execution of “Dink and Drive” shots.

Like Heywood Broun once said, “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” Dink and drive shots in Pickleball do not naturally develop one’s character; rather, they act as a platform that brings out the values a person already resides within. Similarly, Dink and Drive Shots in Pickleball are not mere techniques; they are mirrors that reflect the essence of a player’s character.

On the other hand, the forceful drive shot shows determination, confidence, and a willingness to take risks, enabling players to demonstrate their techniques to the arena. Therefore, as players execute dinks and drives, the Pickleball court transforms into a stage that reveals a character for all to observe rather than constructing one.

In this blog, we will deep dive into the complexities of this technique and explore various aspects that contribute to controlled hits as well as their importance in a match. We will also discuss how players can harness it to gain an advantage, particularly on the Pickleball court.

Chapter I: Difference between Dink and Drive Shots in Pickleball

In Pickleball, “Dink and Drive” are two types of shots players use during a game.

Demonstrating the shotA Dink is a soft and controlled shot played near the net. It means softly dropping the ball over the net with little force and a short path. The goal is to place the ball strategically to make it difficult for your opponent to hit an aggressive return. Players typically use this technique in response to a low, slow-moving ball from the opponent while participating in a net game. It requires skill and careful control to make sure the ball stays within the opponent’s Non-Volley Zone. Consequently, it makes it more challenging for the opponent to deliver a powerful shot.

A Drive represents a forceful and offensive shot where you hit the ball with power and speed. Players typically use this shot from the back of the court and aim to send the ball over the net with a flat path and greater speed. Hence this strategic approach significantly intensifies the challenge for the opponent to react promptly. Furthermore, the drive serves as a tool to exert pressure and prompts the opponent to move from the net or create an opportunity for a weaker return to target in the next shot.

The main difference between a dink and a drive in Pickleball is their purpose and execution as well as court placement. However, doing these shots skillfully requires more than just learning the physical technique.  It’s about reading your opponent’s moves, and predicting their shots, while creating the best opportunity to perfect your next move. Ultimately, both shots find relevance within a Pickleball match, and players need to use them strategically based on the circumstances and playing approach.

Chapter II: Techniques for Perfecting Dink and Drive Shots

Learning the techniques is just the beginning. To make the most of ‘Dink and Drive’ shots for your benefit, it is important to understand the strategies that come into play during a match.

  1. Soft Touch and Angle Control – In essence,Playing pickleball a dink shot is all about a soft touch. Use your wrist’s skill to put the ball right over the net. Moreover, aim for tricky angles to make it difficult for the opponent to hit the ball back. 
  2. Positioning and Footwork – Move toward the net and adjust your posture to gain a better position. However, make sure to maintain a balanced posture. This will not only optimize your stability but also enable you to react promptly to your opponent’s shots.
  3. Timing and Anticipation – Observe how your opponent’s body moves and paddle position in order to predict their shot. As a result, if you can predict their motions, you can respond quickly.
  4. Follow-Through and Transition – Once the dink is completed, get ready to switch to a drive shot. This needs a fast turn, so shift your weight from the back foot to the front and use a controlled swing to send the ball past your opponents.

Chapter III: Strategies for Leveraging Dink and Drive Shots

Mind Games – Through the use of the dink shot, you can effectively lure opponents into a false sense of security, given that they might perceive it as a weaker shot. Mind gamesYou can leverage this psychological aspect by catching them off-guard with a precisely timed drive shot.

Forcing Errors – Consistent dink can lead opponents to become impatient and attempt riskier shots. As a result, their likelihood of making voluntary errors becomes higher. 

Controlling the Pace – By adding dink shots to your game, you not only take control of the match’s pace but also increase your authority over the rallies.

Team Coordination – Strong communication and coordination with your partner are essential during doubles play. A well-executed ‘Dink and Drive’ strategy,  in particular, can exert significant pressure on your opponent.

By adding skill to your ‘Dink and Drive’ shots, you can significantly enhance your Pickleball performance. Nonetheless, it’s equally important to address potential injuries due to repetitive motions and intense gameplay.


PaddlesIn summary, the ‘Dink and Drive’ shots are elegant due to their subtlety. Their seamless transition between skill and power sets exceptional Pickleball players apart. It’s important to realize that the court is not only a place for competition but also where your game plan and personality are shown.

So, the next time you’re on the Pickleball court, embrace the dance of dinks and drives but remember to take extra measures to prevent injuries. Mix your skills with strength and strategy with spontaneity. This is how you reveal the true essence of your game. As Heywood Broun previously stated, sports reveal character – and within the artistry of ‘Dink and Drive,’ your character will shine through with every controlled hit.

Lastly, regular maintenance of your Pickleball equipment is also important. A well-kept paddle can make a big difference. However, if you need additional information about the Pickleball game, visit USAPA’s and IFP’s official websites.

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